Creative, Customised  Business and Personalised Solutions

Personalised and Customised Business and Organisational Solutions

STEP 1. We determine your specific business and organisational needs and wants through analytical evaluation tools that pinpoint the critical areas requiring attention.

STEP 2. Together we analyse the results of the analysis and determine the areas you want to address first.

STEP 3. We propose a specific business solution and development plan to achieve the desired outcomes with measurable results.

STEP 4. You agree the proposed plan of action with modifications, if any.

STEP 5. We implement the plan and strategy.

STEP 6. We evaluate performance, outcomes and results on a weekly, fortnightly or monthly basis, until the desired changes and results are achieved.

STEP 7. We go back to STEP 1 and repeat the process with the next critical business challenge or opportunity.

To accomplish the above results we use the following interventions and concepts:


 We assist you to develop and implement a unique value-add cost saving Business Strategy that opens up new markets and opportunities through 'Value Innovation'. Render your competitors irrelevant. Don't compete, innovate and create new markets and opportunities. We show you how to come up with a winning strategy and then to implement it. This process can usually be implemented over a 10 to 12 week period. Fortnightly meetings to discuss progress after the initial kick-off will be required and all decision-makers will need to attend. Assignments will be given to participants and reports will be required to be made on progress at meetings and discussions. All assignments will relate directly to the development of a winning 'value Innovation' strategy and it's successful implementation.


 Your most valuable assets are your people. You employ the whole person: their values, attitudes, skills, abilities, beliefs, and standards. The Culture of your organisation is determined by the sum total of all the values, beliefs, skills, abilities, beliefs and standards of all the people in your organisation. To change the culture, we have to lead the people to desire to change in the first place. We must show them that their current ways of behaviour, if changed would benefit both themselves and the organisation as a whole. To get the Company right, we must get the people right. To get the people 'Right' the executive team or senior management must be an example of change. So, first we get the top team right and then we move to the next levels of the organisation. Changes and results are carefully documented and measured. The duration of the implementation process takes place fortnightly in 1 hour group meetings over a 8 to 10 week period. Assignments are given to participants specifically related to the changes desired and the results required.  A specific measurable goal is set with the participant at the outset in consultation with their line manager as well as the desired changes agreed upon by both parties. Results are measured fortnightly against targets set. Corrections are made where necessary. Results can be guaranteed when participants apply the principles taught.